Street kids want:
- To have a place to call home that is shelter like others have, and a mattress and bed sheet to use at night.
- Be treated equally like others, coz in God’s eyes we are all the same.
- But not to be seen as disadvantaged in the society.
- To have someone stand up for them to fight for their rights.
- To have hope of a bright and good future someday.
- To be loved, cared and cherished by some people.
- Have enough food to eat, and clean water to drink.
A new ABU Christian Street Kid’s Ministry started in July 2010 for the street kids of Uganda. It was founded by Jane Snyder and Simon Peter Okwalinga.
There are estimated to be 2.5 million orphans in tiny Uganda (UNICEF statistics) and a majority live on the street. When the kids become a nuisance they are rounded up and put into Remand Homes until they escape back to the streets. Uganda has the youngest population in the world at 50% under the age of 15 years old. It thus becomes critical to do something about those children who are growing up abused with no care-giving or support whatsoever. It is the perfect country to start making a difference in this huge problem facing the cities of the world.
Our activity began with a meeting of four people in July 2010, to discuss what could be done for them, knowing that when we use what we have, then more will be given by our heavenly Father. It was decided to begin by sending Speter to all the cities in Uganda to mobilize them for future programs and help, but mostly to tell them that there were people who cared about them. Since then we have evangelized in over 25 cities and have active street pastors in 16 of them. Support the ABU street kids ministry. Donate
Step One
Our first step is to bring them Jesus, because Jesus is the best gift that can ever be given—especially to the abandoned.
Step Two
We bring medical clinics along with prayer people to pray for the harder cases and for deliverance when needed. This medical clinic is coordinated by our medical doctor James Anyama. He is a gift to our organization and hence to the street kids thanks to Saint Pauls’ Epsicopal Church in Baden, Maryland, who paid his medical school tuition. Support these Medical clinics with any amount. The cost is $400 to do one clinic (including the drugs) in one city. This is the event that keeps street kids alive. This is a great program for a fund-raiser.
Step Three
Next we do a one day HIV seminar with testing for the kids. This enables them to make choices not spread this disease further, and to access treatment, although heavy food is needed for the strong drugs. We are grateful to Robert Otim for his generous help in starting this program. Support this HIV information and prevention program with $400/city.
Step Four
We are placing ABU pastors in the cities where we have evangelized, for discipleship to take place. The cost is $250 initial placement and $60/mo. upkeep. We have sixteen Pastors so far, who help meet the spiritual needs of new Christians on the streets. It is being coordinated by Mary Whitehead of Spearhead Ministries. She needs people to pray for each pastor and people to support them financially in this most difficult of spiritual jobs. The reason for the difficulty is the population they are serving are the poorest of the poor and they are always hungry and sick with no money to care for them.
The Pastors need good used Study Bibles and Children’s bible story books/literature/easy read bibles in the local languages. Buy a bible and a children’s book for $10. Buy one street kid new clothing or shoes $10.