Listen to an interview with Alfred
I am by name Okeny, Alfred. I am 18 years old from Kitgum district and from a village called Pamoti. I grew up with both my parents. They managed to educated me up to primary seven but unfortunately when war broke out within the village, I lost both parents, and was left an orphan.
2001 is the year I had the biggest problems of my entire life. I was abducted by the LRA on my way back from school with my two friends. They killed my friends, and I was taken with others as prisoners. On the way to Sudan we did a lot of evil acts, like murdering, and biting others to death. They forced me to pray to the small god which was not good.
I stayed in the bush for one year.
In 2002 I managed to escape, and came out of captivity. I was brought by the UPDF Army back to Uganda but found my parents were killed. I did find my grandmother. She was very old and to get a way to feed us became a problem. My grandmother took me to Mbale and I worked on the street to carry heavy goods to get something for us to eat. I stayed on the street for 3 years.
IN 2005 a friend of mine came and informed me about the registration taking place and I was taken to Pallisa where I met mum Jane. It was a great opportunity for me, but I couldn’t stop forgetting my brothers and sisters on the street. I really feel pain. I got introduced to Christ that very year, so I kept in prayer and fasting for my brothers and sisters on the street to also have a good life.
I organized dance teams of rapping and dancing plus the traditional Acholi dance. I became the leader of all the Northern kids as an Acholi leader.
In 2006 I became a strong spiritual boy with happiness, but in the joy, what use to pain me so much were the street kids and the needy people. I felt real bad and upset always. There came a time when my group performed in a conference and we passed through Kampala and what I had become made me to cry; because the brothers and sisters that I saw on the street did not see me as good. I prayed to the Almighty Father about that, and it came in my mind of helping these street kids.
In 2007 I was helped by my spiritual mum, who connects people to Jesus, and I left to the street. I stayed for 5 days, praying for my brothers and sisters who need help. While there I came across a good Christian lady who gave me one of her rooms for kids to sleep. I got 82 kids from the street. When mum Jane gave me money to feed these kids, I became happy and more happy. I opened an organization called N .I.D.C O (Northern Internal Displace Community Organization). I also started a project for the kids of making paper beads. They are known as the paper pearls of Uganda. I hope many people will buy these beads.
In Nov. 07 I went with a friend called Richard into Sudan to rescue recently escaped kids from the rebels. I brought some to live with me, and the rest went to a house in Mbale with mum Jane.
In Jan. 2008 I organized more rescue teams, and also a youth group up in the DPC camp by Sudan where we first brought the new kids. I am also building a bible team of great power to fight and spread the Word of God in the world.
My thanks goes to the ministry ABU (Active Blessing Uganda) for supporting and giving me courage to help the needy. My life has changed forever since I got these needy kids. I just do not understand myself. I actually feel responsible for everything for them, being it big or small.
May the Almighty Father keep and build up this ministry —-
a lover the world, to help lots and lots of the needy kids.
Alfred Okeny, newly-elected Vice President of Active Blessing Uganda
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